History of Fashion
History of Fashion –A brief story of the evolution of fashion: First Western travelers, traveling whether to India, Iran, Turkey, or Taiwan, could often comment on the lack of difference in style in those countries. The Japanese shogun’s head bragged (not entirely accurately) to the Spanish travelers at 1609 that Japanese wear had not changed in over one thousand years. Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence in Ming China of rapidly changing trends in Chinese wear. Changes in dress frequently took place in periods of economic or cultural change, as happened in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate, followed by a lengthy period without great changes. History Of Fashion Designing: In 8th –century Moorish Spain, the artist Ziryab introduced to Cordoba sophisticated clothing-styles from seasonal and regular trends from his native Baghdad altered by his personal idea. The same alterations in trend happened in the eleventh century in the Middle East following t...